Desktop Magic
A Library by bitcraftlab for the Processing programming environment.
Last update, 02/12/2019.
A library to interact with mouse, keyboard and screen outside the window of your processing app.
Feel free to replace this paragraph with a description of the Library.
Contributed Libraries are developed, documented, and maintained by members of the Processing community. Further directions are included with each Library. For feedback and support, please post to the Discourse. We strongly encourage all Libraries to be open source, but not all of them are.
Download Desktop Magic version 0.0.2 (0) in .zip format.
Unzip and put the extracted desktopmagic folder into the libraries folder of your Processing sketches. Reference and examples are included in the desktopmagic folder.
Keywords. ?
Reference. Have a look at the javadoc reference here. A copy of the reference is included in the .zip as well.
Source. The source code of Desktop Magic is available at GitHub, and its repository can be browsed here.
Find a list of examples in the current distribution of Desktop Magic, or have a look at them by following the links below.
Platform osx
Processing 3.5.3
Dependencies ?